Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Former students of our Department with their present Positions.


Pon Thilak


Naseer Ahmed


Kishore Babu

Rameswarm Rafi

R. Rizwan

Kaamil Kail

J. Jebastian

Senthil Kumaran

Ibrahim Sha

Althaf Hussein

Sirazul Millath

Selva Ram



Prof. Immanuel

Prof. Varghese Daniel

Prof. Leo

Prof. Subramanian

Prof. A. Balasubramaniam

Prof. Devendran Professor, Department of Vis.Com, SRM University.

Prof. R. Rajesh Professor, Shivaji Film Institute, SRM University.

Prof. R. Raghu Ram Professor, Department of Vis.Com, SRM University.

Dr. G. Balasubramania Raja Professor, Mass Comm. Periyar University, Salem,

Prof. Naseer Ahmed Executive -Software Company, Dubai

Prof. Kishore Executive- Software Company

Prof. Shukoor Entrepreneur, Textile Retail.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

JAMEER BASHA - III Yr. Student in the News

Jameer Basha is a Third Year B.Sc., Viscom Student of our Department is of late very much in the news for his many short films, one of which is an award winner.
Following is a news reproduction from .

"I am a fan of actor Vijay, right from my childhood my dream is to direct a movie for him."

Jameer is a final year student of Viscom in 'The New College'. His hobbies are listening to music and hanging out with friends . His passion is film making. He has directed 4 short films and worked as a editor for more than 6 short films. He has interest in cinematography and does designing also. He is a "down to earth" guy with "a simple attitude" in life.

"I would thank my mom as she is the sole supporter for whatever in regards to film making"

Who was your inspiration to enroll in short film making?
There are two people who inspired me in life is actor Vijay and the other would be director Selvaragavan. I am a fan of actor Vijay, right from my childhood my dream is to direct a movie for him. And I admire director Selvaragavan for his movie making style and my inspiration to direct movies came from him. I would like to see myself as a good director in the future. I want to experiment in each and every movie and make sure every movie of mine is unique and different.

Do you slate any of your work as ‘amateur’?
Yes I would consider Bejjar movie as an amateur work as it was our first short film and the camera work was little amateur. But as Film Industry is all about learning. We make sure we improve ourselves in each and every movie we work on.

Your* film 'Bejjar' has won first prize in a contest, so what were the judges' remarks?
Judges tagged the movie as an entertainment one and they appreciated me for the fun factor and the comedy timing in the movie. They said it was a complete Entertainment Package.

"I’m learning each and every day and I know this industry is all about learning and implementing things."

Does all the films under the banner 'Studio sang' being directed by you?
Only 3 films have been directed by me under the banner of Studio Sang and apart from that there are other movies those are under studio sang and they all were done for editing, title design and vfx works.

"Im gifted to have a mom like this."

In a scale of ten, how do you rate yourself and your works..
I would rate myself as 7 because I’m learning each and every day and I know this industry is all about learning and implementing things. I feel I have lots to learn and prove in this industry everyday is a new day for me and it’s a new challenge for me as well.

Were your parents supportive for your involvement?
Yes I would thank my Mom as she is the sole supporter for whatever In regards to film making. She supports every move of me and encourages me in achievening this. I would like to thank her and feel I’m gifted to have a mom like this.

What do you attribute as achievement in your career ?
Being a Student I have directed 4 short films so far and have worked on 15 short films as a DOP, Associate .Director, Editor, Designer and Etc. Would love to establish myself as a director in the future.

During shooting of 'Dancing Neurons"
"Future plan would be to direct a feature film with Dhanush"

Is there anything special about 'Studio sang’?
Yes, Studio sang is a Firm that involves and does all kind of movie related work right from dubbing, editing, pre and post production. We have a unique team called “ Kisa Team” who are involved in Artists, Lighting, Assistant Directors, Cameraman, Lyric writers and etc. Studio Sang originated from Kisa Team.

What’s your future plan?
Future plan would be to direct a feature film with Dhanush and I’m working on the script. Down the line I would achieve this and that’s my Ultimate goal.

" ..make the Indian cinema industry reach international standard "

What were the difficulties faced by you during short film making?
The biggest difficulty in short film making would be the cost part. As short films are always quoted with low budgets in a specified time frame. And the other challenge would be getting a heroine to act in short film for the minimum budget. Apart from this I don’t feel anything as a challenge because if we have the right team to work with a short film, it can be completed easily.

What is your advice/suggestion to budding short film makers ?
My Suggestion would be to experiment in all movies you make and when it comes to movie making I feel that a director should have his own class and style and a director should touch all the genre right from comedy to tragic and from thriller to drama..I wish young film makers to keep trying different things in each and every movie and make the Indian cinema industry reach international standard.

CDTV is a very good platform for all budding film makers like me as we get good exposure through your media. Our talents are brought to limelight and this will boost us with more and more confidence. I feel CDTV is a boon to all film makers.



11/26/2011 10:44:19 pm

Nice to read this and even Proud


11/27/2011 12:35:52 am

Good,in future you will surely rock


11/28/2011 8:16:46 am

Good. Congrats. Keep it up.


We are all proud of you but I wish you are always humble.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Land Mark Functions in the Department

2009 Batch Cultural Champions

2009 Batch Cultural Champions.

State Level Seminar Conducted by the PG Department of Visual Communication the New College.

Media Campaign conducted by the Final Year M.Sc., Students of Viscom, The New College, on EMOTIONAL CHALLENGES FACED BY THE YOUTH a special lecture by Dr. N. Shalini, M.B.B.S., DPM, Ph.D. a leading Psychiatrist.